
资料分类:精选论文 上传会员:园丁小瞳 更新时间:2013-09-25
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Abstract:Each history is a history by period and each generation has the right to create works of their own era. Films and television works about Four Masterpieces of China are quite classical. However, cultural psychology of the audiences in consumption age have changed with the transformation of society. To treat classic works from a perspective of modern people, remaking classic works is an inevitable cultural activity. Remakes of classic works will certainly carry the stamp of the times. But remaking can't rigidly adhere to the original rather than a new, nor can they be conventional when pursuing novelty with no limitation. Taking the perspective of cultural studies, this paper tries to discuss the possibility and practical necessity of remakes and study how the change of the contemporary audience's cultural psychology affects remaking activities, based on examples of the new TV series "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "The Romance of the Three6 Kingdoms". Finally, this paper reaches some conclusions of current remaking activities and makes strategic analysis and discussion of guidelines and goals of their future development.

Key Words:Remaking; Classics; Cultural psychology; Transformation





上传会员 园丁小瞳 对本文的描述:因为经典传承性以及时代背景的更迭,名著翻拍是一项必然的文化活动。这项活动必须关照到当代电视观众的文化心理,遵循文化传承与文化重构、技术操作性与艺术审美性辩证统一的......
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