
资料分类:金融翻译 上传会员:米高 更新时间:2020-10-15
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外文出处:Wolfgang Schön  欧洲商业组织法评论,第五章,429-448。

The Future of Legal Capital

    This article argues that in the efficiency of the German legal capital rules, it is helpful to distinguish carefully between three different aspects: the question of whether the law should impose a minimum legal capital requirement, the relevance of provisions in the articles of incorporation pertaining to the legal capital of the company as a collective offer to the company’s creditors, and the role of legal capital rules in limiting distributions prior to the company’s insolvency. The existence of a minimum legal capital requirement, while it may not be particularly burdensome to serious-minded entrepreneurs, does not do much to help creditors. 

    I. German law on legal capital requirements in the international context

    When Lord Robertson, until recently Secretary General of NATO, was a young member of the British Parliament, he once remarked during a debate in the House of Commons regarding the transformation of the Council Directive on Legal Capital Requirements1 into English company law that among the peculiar traits of company law was the ability to empty the House of Commons faster than any other area of the law. Surely, he would have spoken differently had he known then what has by now become an almost commonplace understanding in the international discourse on company law, namely, that in the area of company law, too, alliances are formed, strategies are tested, countries are occupied and markets are conquered.

上传会员 米高 对本文的描述:在学术界的争论中,弗里德里希提出过几个开创性的理论,一个企业的前景,主要是基于债务而非股权融资,他认为,股票市场需要严格的规则来保护债权人的利益,同时也需制定有关......
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