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Labor Dispatching under 

Regulation of Labor Contract Law

Employing mode of labor dispatching has had certain effect on employment of laborers, employing of enterprises, and appropriately resolving economic relations among regions. However, in recent years, this kind of employing mode has been unboundedly expanded in terms of its scope, which reveals its negative effects.Risks of employing units in using employing mode of labor dispatching are being increased, and labor dispatching industry has attained the key period of its development so far. 

1. Analysis of advantages of labor dispatching

Labor dispatching refers to the fact that, dispatching units sign a contract with employing units, and dispatch laborers who have signed a labor contract with them to employing units so as to offer their labor. During labor dispatching, labor contract relation exists between dispatching units and dispatched laborers, while offering of labor force exists between dispatched laborers and employing units. The most obvious feature of labor dispatching lies in separation of employment and application of labor force, which results in the particular situation of “relation without labor and labor without relation”.

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:作为一种新型的用人模式,尽管劳务派遣在一定程度上解决了社会就业问题,然而它也暴露了许多问题。在实践中,由于劳务派遣行业的无序发展,体现以下方面:过度建立调度机构,同工不同......
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