
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:阿怪 更新时间:2014-03-13
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  操作系统精品网站是采用当前流行的网站开发语言ASP.NET2.0和数据库管理软件SQL server2005创作而成。以静态网页与动态网页相结合的方式来实现网站信息的展示与动态更新,方便网站功能的更新与扩展。通过当前流行的ADO.NET技术来实现数据层的访问。在网站的设计过程中把整个网站分成首页、课程学习、作业区、论坛入口几个模板。


关键字:精品课程, ASP.NET,SQL server,B/S模式


Abstract:Elaborate Courses Web site is to teachers in day-to-day by summing up the teaching process, the accumulation of the teaching content, teaching methods, teaching materials and other information displayed by the network platform to enable the students via the Internet to better learning of proe, and online through the web site Q & A to address student learning problems encountered in and further enhance the students knowledge of the reserves, so as to enhance the quality of teaching colleges and universities.

   Elaborate Courses quality site is using the popular web development language ASP.NET2.0 and database management software creation from SQL server2005. Static pages to dynamic pages with a combination of sites to achieve display of information and dynamic update site to update and expand the functionality. Through the current popular technologies to ADO.NET data access layer. Web site design in the course of the entire site is divided into Home, online learning, selected sperm bank, data download, online Q & A number of templates.

   Home to the students generally show the basic functions of this site; Online lerning chapter includes Courseware each chapter self-test exercises with each chapter;; online Q & A includes the students can questions, and questions teachers can also reply to the question.

Key words:  Elaborate Courses, ASP.NET,SQL server,B/S

上传会员 阿怪 对本文的描述:采用当前流行的网站开发语言ASP.NET2.0和数据库管理软件SQL server2005创作而成。以静态网页与动态网页相结合的方式来实现网站信息的展示与动态更新,方便网站功能的更新与扩展。通过......
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