
资料分类:机械工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-26
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摘 要:钢铁行业是整个工业生产发展的基础,钢铁生产对国民经济各个部门都有着重大的意义。随着社会经济进步和科技的日益发展,各企业对高质量的钢需求有所增加,同时生产钢的技术也在迅速的发展。目前,钢坯的提升设备是钢坯提升机,它保证了钢坯的连铸与连轧系统的均衡和连续性。



关键词:钢铁行业 钢坯 提升机 链传动 拨爪


ABSTRACT:The iron and steel industry is the foundation of the development of industrial production, steel production is of major significance to the national economy each department. With the development of social economy progress and technology, each enterprise has increased demand for high quality steel, and steel production technology is in rapid development. At present, the steel billet hoist lifting equipment is of billet, it ensures the billet continuous casting and rolling system of the equilibrium and continuity.

      Billet is through the chain hoist the billet to the specified height, so as to complete the process. Billet steel billet hoisting machine widely used in metallurgical enterprise promotion work, through the roller conveyer into rolling billet, after into the overhead system of roll table being pushed into the furnace, between from comming to the roll table close to the vertical in the ascension process needs a dedicated mechanical - “billet lift” to achieve the vertical run billet steel billet. 

      The design is on the integral design of the elevator of billet, the main is based on the chain, through the motor, speed reducer, shaft and chain, dial the claw to achieve the steady improvement of steel, has high working efficiency, safety, reliable, simple structure, etc. So this design of billet hoist is very necessary. 

Keywords: The iron and steel industry; Steel billet; hoist ;Chain drive; Dial the claw 

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:提升机称重系统主要是轧钢厂用于称量进入加热炉钢坯的重量,以便为检查、分析钢坯在加热过程中的烧损情况,而为精确计算成材率,提供参考数据的装置。目前,由于钢坯表面的氧......
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