
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-24
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ABSTRACT:The establishment and construction of state-level new district belong to the national strategy, the new district of various systems in the amount of reform and innovation will be the strong support. Since the establishment of the new district, the new district has made a good development.

   With the rapid economic development of the state-level New Area, the development of superiority manifested, but there is no shortage of uneven development, and how the state-level new district in order to ensure stable and rapid economic development model to find out the different New There is an urgent need to solve the problem. Therefore, by contrast, the Pudong New Area, Binhai New Area, Two-Rivers New Developed Area economic development mode Summed up the New Area economic development status, achievements and characteristics, and the feasibility of proposals put forward in favor of state-level New Area economic development, to promote the healthy development of the national new Area, and provide effective reference for the newly established national district development, proposing economic model for new Area development, promote sound and rapid development of the state-level new district.

   In this paper, Comparison of the model of economic development of Two-Rivers New Developed Area, Pudong New Area and the Binhai New Area as the starting point. Analyze and summarize the three major development of the new status quo and differences from the large amount of data and objective reality, and on this basis, the elements of the three New-driven analysis, combination of elements, and feature a combination of philosophy, and finally for three new districts in some problems in the development process to make recommendations, therefore, certain research value and practical significance for the economic development of the state-level new district.

Keywords:Two-Rivers New Area; Pudong New Area;Binhai New Area; The Mode of Economic Development


上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文以两江新区、浦东新区、滨海新区三大新区的经济发展模式的比较为切入点,从大量的数据资料和客观实际中分析归纳出三大新区的发展现状和效果及差异,并在此基础上对三大新......
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