
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-24
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关键词:转变发展方式  对外贸易政策  外贸政策调整


ABSTRACT:With the development of economic globalization and regional economic integration,21 century, no country can be completely out of contact with the world economy and achieve rapid economic development. States through foreign trade to obtain the required resources, markets, technology, experience, which definitely accelerate economic development,so dose China. Since the November 10, 2001 accession to the WTO,China has achieved a great development in foreign trade. And its development has  attracted  the WTO members’ and all levels’ of Chinese society attention .According to customs statistics, As of 2008, China's total import and export volume ranks third in the world, but by the end of 2010, China has become the world biggest trading country. Able to achieve such results, have a close relationship with China continues to adjust trade policy.When considering trade policy, China current employ export-oriented strategy. This strategy makes important contributions to economic development of our country; not only it creates numerous employment opportunities, it also facilitates adjustment of the economic structure and technological progress. However, this strategy has many shortcomings, which lead to a series of problems such as outstanding industrial monopoly, a single and less developed industrial structure and more and more trade friction. Under such circumstance, Our country should be based on the actual situation and combining the concrete to adjust the current trade policy, transform development pattern, To solve problems and disputes in trade,so as to harmonize the international trade and economy development in a coordinate, healthy and sustainable way.

Keywords: Transform Development Pattern; Foreign Trade Policy; Foreign Trade Policy Adjustment




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:中国加入WTO承诺的义务虽然已经基本完成,但并不意味着中国对外开放步伐的停滞,而是需要继续融入到经济全球化过程之中。积极学习国际贸易知识,掌握国际贸易规则,既要遵循国......
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