
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-24
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关键词:中美贸易关系 人民币升值 贸易失衡


ABSTRACT:This article from the five stages of the Sino-us trade history, and through the analysis of several development of Sino-us trade relations. We can conclude the main problems of Sino-US trade relations. They are the appreciation of the RMB、the protection of intellectual property rights, Sino-us trade imbalance, country of origin system, etc. The appreciation of the RMB is based on China's currency exchange rate with the United States in recent years, to analyze the cause of the appreciation of the RMB; Analysis in recent years, the United States for Chinese products of intellectual property regulation measures, can know that china-us trade relations face many intellectual property issues; In the analysis of the Sino-us trade imbalance, from the cause of the Sino-us trade imbalance, and the performance of the Sino-us trade imbalance in those places is analyzed; Problem of origin system, from the rule of origin agreement, and the analysis of existing problems of its own. According to this a series of problems, my own view is that China should change the statistical method, perfect the system of intellectual property rights, increase investment, deepen the reform of economic system, realize the diversity of the export market, perfecting the distribution system, improve trade early warning mechanism, etc., and solve the problems between China and the United States, thereby to improve their terms of trade.

Keywords: Sino-US economic and trade relations   appreciation of RMB   imbalance of Sino-US trade


上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文从中美贸易关系发展经历的五个阶段,和通过分析中美贸易关系发展的几种格局,得出中美贸易关系存在的主要的问题有:人民币升值、知识产权保护、中美贸易失衡、原产地制度......
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