
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:你好,学长 更新时间:2013-11-14
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关键词:农村医疗保险; 农民;医疗保险制度


Abstract:Basic medical insurance in rural areas is an important step to solve the "three rural" issue  ,and it is also of great practical significance to achieve the protection of the rights of rural residents, promote construction and development of rural society, and promote sustained and healthy development of general nations economy. To establish and improve the rural medical insurance system can not only improve the health of rural residents, but also shorten the gap between urban and rural. However, the current level of rural medical insurance is generally low. Through detailed analysis of the meaning of rural health insurance,  explanation of the significance of rural health insurance, health insurance status of rural explicitly, the characteristics of rural health insurance,and the existence of the problems of rural health insurance , this paper proposes a series of solutions, including increasing the capital investment to rural health and medical institutions, improving rural health care level, intensifying access to the health care knowledge , further improving the rural cooperative medical care system, improving the "little help" mechanism, creating a good external environment for financial innovation in rural areas, avoiding the risk of "helping the small" , so that small farmers will not be lack of money.

Key Words : medical insurance in rural areas, residents, rural medical insurance system


我国农村医疗水平的提高,既寄希望于新型农村医疗制度的建立和推广, 也寄希望于国家对整个国民的一视同仁。建立惠及全体农民的新型农村医疗保险体系在我国目前情况下不仅仅是迫切需要的,而且国家是有能力支付的。


上传会员 你好,学长 对本文的描述:建立和完善农村医疗保险制度,不仅可以提高农村居民的健康水平,而且可以缩小城乡差距。但是,目前农村医疗保险的保障水平普遍偏低。本文通过详细分析农村医疗保险的含义,阐......
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