
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-11
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Abstract:Nantong as one of ship national industrial base, its development has been used as a benchmark for the ship marine and supporting industries. After the global financial crisis in 2008, Nantong's ship Marine engineering and related industry also encountered some setbacks, but after a few years, the industry is in rising. At present, China's economic situation is complicated, in general, it is full of opportunities and challenges, on the one hand,Nantong's ship Marine engineering and supporting industry is gradually developing, on the other hand, the industry of Nantong clip between Korea, Japan, the two traditional shipbuilding powers, the development is also full of both opportunities and challenges. Through analyzes the current development situation of industry, found its experience and problems, and will through the Japan and South Korea shipping industry development path of research, summarized some experience, finally,I aimed at putting forward some feasible Suggestions forNantong ship Marine engineering and supporting industries ,facing with the problems.

Keywords: Nantong; ship Marine engineering industry ; supporting industry; countermeasures and suggestions




上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:南通的这一产业夹在韩国、日本这两大传统船舶工业大国之中,发展同样也是机遇与挑战并存。本文通过对南通船舶海工及配套产业当前发展情况进行剖析,发现其经验与问题,并将通......
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