
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-27
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关键词 医疗保险;苏州医保;社会保障制度分析


Abstract:Health insurance refers to the government through legislation, social members when they are sick or injured, give the material by the government, or the social support, thereby providing a social medical service or economic compensation system. It is mainly composed of China medical insurance, medical insurance, three insurance system of public health and social insurance. Now, China is in the fundamental realities of the primary stage of socialism, the development direction of the medical insurance reform, in our country road, was built to employee medical insurance as the main body, insurance and medical assistance for added, covering all urban workers and staff medical insurance system.

   In this paper, according to the reform of Suzhou and part of the province, city, area of the medical insurance system, the operation efficiency of our country analysis and evaluation of the medical insurance system reform has achieved certain results: due to frame China's basic medical insurance system has been basically formed, but there are also many problems, a lot of social members have not joining the medical insurance, medical and health system reform is not in place, "see a doctor difficult, expensive medical treatment" the seriousness of the problem, the medical insurance fund risk resistance ability is not strong, affecting the sustainable development of the reform. we suggested, the government should increase the investment on the medical security system, and ensure fair distribution of health care resources, efforts to reduce inequity of current medical insurance system, accelerate the construction of medical security system construction, improve relevant policies, give full play to the social, market, enterprise and initiative and farmers, from all walks of life gathered all resources, and ultimately to create a "to enjoy the basic medical security establish security system, security model, security level of diversification, multi-level, multi-channel financing, medical security system management and service socialization".

Keywords  medical insurance  Suzhou medical insurance  analysis of the social security system

上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:在本文中,根据苏州市及部分省、市、区的医疗保险制度的改革,对于我们国家分析和评价了医疗保险制度的运作效率:改革已经取得了一定成效,尽管中国基本医疗保障制度的框架已......
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