
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-27
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Abstract:Capital account convertibility and exchange rate regime choice are the most important open economy policies and systems, both of which have close internal relations.With China's rapid economic development, increasing international status, the renminbi capital account convertibility will be inevitable choice.RMB exchange rate mechanism arrangements are the key issues of capital account liberalization.This first use of using the "Mundell - Fleming model" Optimal exchange rate regime of capital and opening up the choice, pointing out that capital openness, when the economy is facing impacts, difficult to maintain the fixed exchange rate system, floating exchange rate system is the optimal choice; then the validity of the Chinese exchange rate regime empirical analysis, pointing out that as China's capital account open, flexible exchange rate system should be gradually increased, the use of a floating exchange rate system; Finally, China's current exchange rate system, the implementation of proposed short-term exchange rate target zone system, long-term implementationindependent floating exchange rate system policy recommendations.

Key words:Capital Account convertibility;Exchange Rate System;Mundell - Fleming model;the effectiveness of exchange rate regime


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:本章介绍了人民币自由兑换发展概况,评述了国际资本账户开放下汇率制度选择的研究现状,提出了论文的研究内容及结构安排。......
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