
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:qiaohao 更新时间:2014-04-28
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关键词:文化多元化 跨文化管理 文化冲突 企业文化


Abstract:Along with the continuing accelerating of the global economy integration, a large number of American Multinational Companies spring up and develop in China. The problems of cross-cultural conflicts in American Multinational Companies get much attention now. This article studies the three main manifestations of cross-cultural conflicts, and analyzes the reasons of cross-cultural conflicts of American Multinational Corporation in China, and proposes the solutions for the cross-cultural conflicts. The results of the research show that the three main manifestations of cross-cultural conflicts in American Multinational Companies are communication styles, management methods and staffing aspect. The different values, America's racial superiority and the different communication style and language American Multinational Companies are the main causes of cross-cultural conflict, and to set up a correct cross-cultural concept, to establish a uniform value, to carry out the management localization strategy and strengthen cross-cultural training is most effective way to solve cross-cultural conflict of American Multinational Corporation in China.

Keywords: Cultural Diversity, Cross-Cultural Management, Cultural Conflicts Corporation Culture

上传会员 qiaohao 对本文的描述:根据大量文献调查,美国的跨国公司在跨国经营过程中照搬照抄美国本土的管理理论与方法到其他国家很难取得成功,而许多案例也证明对异国文化差异的迟钝以及缺乏文化背景知识是......
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