
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键字:  民族地区,财政支出,特征,对策建议


ABSTRACT:Fiscal expenditure is to meet the needs of the community,  promote the development of  national economy and important process on the use of the revenue to plan as a whole. Whether the public finance expenditure could be reasonable arrangement, applied in place, directly affect the efficiency of fiscal expenditure, and then on career development in the minority areas of produce certain effect. Therefore, this article will base on refer to the research of scholars both at home and abroad, through the analysis of data over the fiscal expenditure,specifically the study of the general characteristics of minority nationality areas of fiscal expenditure, for the need to optimize problems, put forward further perfection suggestions.

Key Words: National regions, Fscal expenditure,Characteristics,Policy recommendations

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:从目前状况来看,少数民族地区财政改革取得一定预期成效,但财政支出存在的问题也不容忽视。正所谓事物的发展具有双面性,我们既要看到其积极的一面,又要重视其存在的负面效......
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