
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-08
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关键词: 密云   旅游资源评价  发展分析


Abstract:With its favorable ecological environment and unique natural and historical resources, the development of tourism industry in Miyun County has great potential. According to "Tourist resources Classification, Investigation And Appraisal" the related stipulation, use SWOT, has carried on the science appraisal and the analysis to the Miyun County monomer and the whole tourist resources. Simultaneously , the article points out the questions and proposes the countermeasures. It has the positive reference significance to keep ecotourism developing in a contional, healthy way.

Key Words:Miyun   Tourist resources appraisal   Development analysis


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:运用定性和定量相结合的方法,按照《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》中的相关规定,采用SWOT分析法,对密云县的整体旅游资源及旅游业进行了科学评价和分析。同时指出其中存在的问题......
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