
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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Abstract:All-round opening-up, large-scale Investment, is to speed up economic development, and to adapt to the trend of regional economic integration is advanced areas, developed the successful experience of regional economic development, but also economically underdeveloped areas to seize the opportunities, take the initiative to accelerate the development of the only way. Rationale for its decision direction, ideas, decided the way out to decide the scale of means to determine the success or failure. The less developed areas in Guangdong to achieve leapfrog development of the economy depends largely on the efforts to attract foreign investment to expand. In recent years, less-developed areas in Guangdong Investment has made great achievements, but also there are some problems to be solved.Investment in less developed areas in Guangdong there are still many problems, analyze the reasons for these problems to develop appropriate solutions to measure the expansion of Guangdong Investment has an important guiding significance.

Key word: merchants way    investment environment    green merchants       innovative ideas    talent system


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:是先进地区、发达地区经济发展的成功经验更是经济欠发达地区抢占先机、争取主动、加快发展的必由之路。理念决定方向,思路决定出路,方式决定规模,方法决定成败。实现广东欠......
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