
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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Abstract:In 1997 the Hong Kong Tongheng International Investment Limited company in Yunnan, Mi Le investment in the creation of the Yunnan red wine group, by virtue of the unique grape varieties, the natural environment and the features of national culture resources, "Yunnan red" rapidly in the wine industry caused concern, the industry has become new favorites. Unique means of competition and government give aid to energetically speed up the development of "Yunnan red", "Yunnan red" wine was Yunnan people known as the "Hong Ta Shan (smoke) and a red (wine)". But developing quickly while, also highlights the problems faced by enterprises, such as, enterprise development history is short, brand awareness regional, grape quality is not consistent, terminal marketing mode of the marketing costs soar and create a corporate culture at the same time, neglected and consumer psychology of communication.

   Therefore, this article mainly analyzes the micro-environment "Yunnan red" wine development present situation, from the enterprise, for carriers, marketing agencies, consumer, competitor and government public this six aspects to analyze the "Yunnan red" in the development of the main advantages and existing problems, and according to the status quo of effectively improvement strategy, in order to achieve "to continue to carry forward the advantage, disadvantage to continuously improve" target.

Keywords: Micro-environment;"Yunnan red" wine;Development status;Countermeasure


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:本文主要分析微观环境下“云南红”葡萄酒的发展现状,从企业、供运商、营销中介、消费者、竞争者和政府公众这六方面来分析“云南红”在发展中所表现出来的主要的优势和存在的......
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