
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:致青春郑微 更新时间:2013-08-10
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Abstract:In the new economic environment,traditional cost management system is more and more obvious, the strategy for the pilot of the strategic cost management has become the new direction of the development of modern cost management,To contend for the market and the space for the survival and development, strategic management revolution inevitably broke out, the cost management is the embodiment of the appearance and application of strategic cost management.Strategic cost management in the implementation process, enterprises will inevitably encounter different obstacles, causing the disconnection between theory and practice, some enterprises can not effectively use this method, to obtain rapid development. This article as a starting point of strategic cost management discusses. First of all, this paper on strategic cost management theories are summarized, and compared it with the traditional cost management mode, laid the theoretical foundation for this article; secondly, the strategic cost management mainly includes three aspects: strategic positioning, value chain analysis, cost driver analysis; the final analysis of the strategic cost management in our country the enterprise is insufficient, find out its own problems and propose solutions.

Key words:Cost management; Strategic Cost Management;Countermeasure


上传会员 致青春郑微 对本文的描述:对战略成本管理的相关理论进行概述,并比较其与传统成本管理模式的区别,奠定了本文的理论基础;其次,战略成本管理的方法主要包括三个方面:战略定位、价值链分析、成本动因......
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