
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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Abstract:In this day and age, the brand as a kind of intangible assets in their competition in the global market in tremendous value is self-evident. Therefore, they must want to the fierce competition in the market, not only have a place to have a strong brand awareness, but also need to have strong brand consciousness. In the fierce competition in the market, the enterprises should want to stand in an invincible position on brand management must be strengthened in order to establish their core competitiveness. This article explores the importance of domestic enterprises and brand management and how to establish a state-owned brand and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and at the same time pointed out that only an effective brand strategy for a brand of science in business enterprises can establish a good image.

Key Words:Brand Strategy,Strategic Analysis,Innovation,Foreign experience




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:在激烈的市场竞争中,企业要想立于不败之地就必须加强品牌管理,以树立企业的核心竞争力。本文探讨了国内企业品牌经营的重要性和及如何树立国有品牌及提升企业核心竞争力的有效品......
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