
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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Abstract:China is a great power producing ceramic with the NO.1 ceramic production in the globe. Having enjoying a worldwide reputation, the ceramics in Foshan has captured a long history. In the early of 1990s, Foshan has became one of the main origins for exporting ceramic. The illustrated followings are introducing the current exporting status as well as the problems of Foshan's ceramics via analysing its characteristics. Concerning the status and problems, Michael Porter Diamon Model will be applied to emphasize the exporting competitiveness of ceramics in Foshan. At the end of the passage, aiming to strengthen the exporting competitiveness as to speed up the economic development of Foshan, some suggestions or solutions about how to deal with the exporting of ceramic far more better are putting forward.

Key words: Ceramics, Exporting Competitiveness, Michael Porter Diamon Model, Foshan




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:根据出口现状和存在的问题,运用了波特钻石模型中六大因素来重点分析佛山陶瓷业的出口竞争力。最后,提出提高佛山陶瓷业出口的对策建议,旨在增强佛山陶瓷业出口竞争优势,加......
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