
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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Abstract:In recent years the world agricultural trade growth and the agricultural products of the international market is very competitive. At the same time, China's agricultural products market has become the world's most open one of the market, and guangdong is China's second largest agricultural exports province, to join the WTO, guangdong agricultural products export trade but also faced a double opportunities and challenges. The current global financial crisis that agricultural products in guangdong international trade suffering from severe test, in recent years, guangdong province's import and export trade of agricultural products, there has been a deficit, and the trend of the deficit is more and more big. Deal with opportunity and challenge, overcome deficit influence key is to increase the export of agricultural products in guangdong international competitiveness.

Keywords: Guangdong, agricultural products, export competitiveness, diamond model


我省农产品资源丰富,中国加入世界贸易组织后 ,广东农产品出口面临巨大的发展机遇,但由于各种条件的限制影响,农产品出口又面临诸多挑战。可以预见, 广东农产品对外贸易机与挑战并存, 农产品进出口将会持续增长, 但进口将增长更快,逆差进一步扩大。今后,广东应该积极采相关的措施, 发展外向型农业,促进农产品出口。我省的农产品出口上存在的许多问题,还需要我们去克服和改进,只要我们从我省实际情况出发,合理运用科学手段力争使我农产品质量与国际标准接轨,我省的农产品出口状况必将得到大幅改善,对于我国解决三农问题和壮大农村经济意义非凡。


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:当前全球金融危机使广东农产品国际贸易经受着严峻的考验,近年来,广东省的农产品进出口贸易一直存在逆差,并且逆差的趋势越来越大。应对机遇与挑战、克服逆差影响的关键在于......
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