
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-05
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关键词:湛江, 对虾,出口,对策


Abstract:The Zhanjiang shrimp exports are a major foreign trade in Zhanjiang, Zhanjiang, shrimp farming and export a variety of favorable conditions makes Zhanjiang with a lot of gains from trade. The development of the industry in recent years there have been fluctuations in the amplitude, because of various problems, such as the shrimp product quality is not high, the foreign anti-dumping, low degree of organization of Zhanjiang shrimp export has been greatly hindered. Using the survey method, literature and law, the analysis of the the Zhanjiang shrimp profiles, combined with practical, proposed the Zhanjiang shrimp exports are facing their own and external problems. Zhanjiang, leading industry to promote economic, there is a need for research and promote better development.

Key Words:Zhanjiang,Shrimp, Exports, Countermeasures




上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:本文利用了调查法、文献研究法等方式,对湛江对虾概况的分析,结合实际,提出湛江对虾出口所面临的自身和外部问题。作为湛江的能够带动经济的龙头行业,是有需要进行研究和......
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