
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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关键词:昌宁县 烤烟产业 现状 分析


ABSTRACT:Since its 1986 flue-cured tobacco grown in changning County, value of industry has developed into a tobacco leaf flue-cured tobacco to buy Super million, revenues of more than 30 million Yuan of economic Yunnan province, after more than 20 years of effort, at present gross output experts. Not only improve has farmers income, improve living, and is revenue of main sources, but tobacco industry development also exists many problem, these insufficient effect this tobacco growers, and enterprise, and financial, even is consumer of behavior, so, this by description changning County Superior of flue-cured tobacco planting environment, and industry conditions, and pursuant to reality development situation, made restricting changning flue-cured tobacco industry development of factors, and for problem made conducive to local tobacco industry health development of countermeasures and recommendations, makes changning flue-cured tobacco industry sustainable development, Truly become an enriching, townships, counties of economy, trade and industry.

Keywords: Country of Changning; Tobacco industry; present situation; Analysis




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:烤烟生产的发展对保持烟叶产区经济和农民收入稳定增长乃至农村社会的稳定起着重要的作用。本文通过对昌宁县烤烟产业现状的调查分析,结合当地经济、地理、气候条件,不断引进......
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