
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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Abstract:Yunnan Mengzi city by the tropic of cancer wear, sunny, sunshine time long, and is suitable for the growth of the pomegranates in China mainly grow is one of the areas. The Mongolian pomegranate is almost begun in the wholesale market Xian, investigate its reason is: grow scattered, technical content is low, output is not high, did not cause the government's attention. But in the 1990 s as the county agricultural industry structure adjustment speed up the pace of the pomegranate industry to enjoy unprecedented development. After almost 20 years of hard work, now, Mengzi pomegranate plant has developed area of more than 100000 mu to, leaps to national first place, Mengzi pomegranate has become one of the famous domestic pomegranate. With the rapid development of modern technology, and social and the government's full support, Mengzi pomegranate sales channel also become diversified.

   Based on the analysis of the traditional channel, analyzes the disadvantages of traditional channels, put forward the new sales channel, the hope can give Mengzi pomegranate future development to bring more business opportunities.

Keywords: Mengzi pomegranate; Traditional channels; Sales of new channels




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:通过本文分析,可知随着近几年科学技术的快速发展,销售渠道也便得多样化。蒙自石榴销售新渠道也有单一变得多样化,如网上销售,举行与石榴相关的展览会,高赋值产品的研究与......
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