
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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Abstract:In today's rapid development of information ,the electronic commerce is influenced so that is getting rapid development. Logistics distribution have played an important part in the electronic commerce, so it gets attention is unusual. In order to cope with the rapid development of e-commerce, logistics and distribution of efficient operation is necessary. I will take the JingDong mall in China temporarily more representative of the electronic commerce company as an example, to analyze the relationship between electronic commerce and logistics distribution. Understanding of the current electronic commerce of our country faces the problems, put forward our country under the environment of electronic commerce logistics and distribution solutions.

Key words: Electronic commerce, Logistics, Information, Talent, Efficient




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文选取我国比较有代表性的电子商务公司—京东商城为例,分析电子商务和物流配送的关系。根据当前我国的电子商务物流活动所面临的问题,提出在我国电子商务环境下物流配送问......
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