
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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关键词:物流配送 服务意识 电子商务


Abstract:At present in the electronic commerce in China is still in the rapid development of the state, logistics and distribution enterprises and e-commerce enterprises have close cooperation, competition is so fierce in the logistics industry, logistics distribution in e-commerce enterprises are enrolled exceptionally to fight for the logistics market. In this process is the emergence of a variety of problems, for example, e-commerce logistics distribution enterprises distribution service level is low, the e-commerce logistics distribution between enterprises competition, not conducive to improve overall service levels, lack of qualified professionals in logistics management of electronic business logistics management of enterprises, electronic business logistics enterprise informatization level is not high and so on., this article will focus on logistics enterprises are analyzed the existing problems, and study the countermeasures to solve these problems.

Key words: electronic commerce,logistics distribution,service consciousness




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:通过中外物流配送企业的管理制度,物流基础设施,信息化水平等对平,来说明我国物流配送企业还是处在相对较低的水平。通过案例分析说明我国物流配送企业的实际情况,存在的问......
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