
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-09
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关键词: 微博,雁南飞,推广策略


Abstract:Micro-blog appearance, has greatly changed people information dissemination way, make the tourism to obtain customer consumption experience, word-of-mouth marketing has become possible.The Yearning Tea Plantation Tourist Attraction resort attractions to do research,and based on Micro-blog promotion to do the analysis,and put forward and put forward the marketing team,continue to offer valuable information,reply earnestly messages,and focus on the user experience, active and opinion leaders cooperation,the event marketing,and later maintenance marketing strategy. Through the micro-blog fission type transmission, stimulate the geese flying the potential tourists' consumption.At last,it pointed out that the Yearning Tea Plantation Tourist Attraction will be Micro-blog marketing as a long-term strategy,and continuously carry out the strategy of resource investment not to move or retreat,to be successful.

Key Words:Micro-blog,Yearning,promotion strategy




上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:微博在一定程度上改变了人们搜索,获取信息的方式。在这一化“被动推介”为“主动接收”的新型媒体平台上,旅游地能更方便、更直接地找到忠实自己或潜在可能成为自己客户的“......
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