
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-09
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Abstract:With the development of Internet in China, the online shopping market scale is continually expanding. It would be difficult to open market for many enterprises as a result of without sufficient funds, so the rise and growth of online shopping market become a great platform to market products for those who lack of money. However, pure low price can not be an advantage over the increasing competition of network. There are opportunities and challenges for all enterprises, but how they can win a place in marketing through the online shopping market ? In view of the forgoing, creating a strong network brand will become a powerful weapon in competition.

   This paper firstly analyzes the network brand and the current situation. Also comes some research in enterprises' network brand website building according to the scale and characteristic of online shopping market. It then elaborates the network brand shaping steps: brand positioning, brand design, brand communication and brand promotion tools. Meanwhile, it outlines the enterprise website, instant information, search engine, network advertisement. It finally discuss the strategies of brand building and marketing.

Key Words:Electronic commerce,Brand building,Marketing






上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本文首先分析了网络品牌及网络品牌的发展现状,其次结合网络购物市场的规模和特点,以及对相关网络品牌企业的网站平台建设和品牌塑造策略的研究,论述了网络品牌塑造的步骤:......
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