
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-11
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关键词: 电子商务,诚信缺失,机制构建


Abstract:The emergence and development of electronic commerce at the same time bring great vitality to China's market economy, e-commerce has the characteristics of virtual reality, coupled with China has yet to establish an effective integrity mechanism, e-commerce activities contrary to the integrity of behavior abound, Honestyhas seriously hindered the healthy development of e-commerce, integrity has to be the development of e-commerce in China must pay close attention. E-commerce integrity of the building is a complex social system project, it requires not only improve the quality of the legal citizens to enhance the ethical values, in order to create the environment of social integrity, and must proceed from a legal system, the improvement of legislation, strengthening of justice, and strengthen government regulation and industry self-discipline, build e-commerce integrity mechanism in order to safeguard the normal order of e-commerce, and promote the healthy development of e-commerce.

Key Words:E-commerce,Honesty,Mechanisms to build




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:电子商务诚信建设是一项复杂的社会系统工程,它不仅需要提高公民的法律素质,增强公民的诚信观念,以营造社会诚信大环境,而且必须从法制高度着手,完善立法、强化司法、加强......
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