
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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关键词:股指期货; 风险; 风险控制


Abstract:Stock index futures as a hedging instrument, the principle of existence because of the leverage effect to enlarge the profit and loss, so the risk of great characteristics. From the stock market index futures, stock price volatility is bound to affect the price movements of stock index futures, the risk of the stock market will transfer to the stock index futures market, stock index futures with the corresponding risks. Chinese stock market is because of the emerging markets, Chinese stock market could lead to special factors affecting Chinese special risks of stock index futures. In this paper, the theory of financial and futures exchanges, based on a systematic index futures pointed out the possible existence of a general risk, and to further clarify the possible existence of stock index futures Chinese special risk. Against the risk of stock index futures, stock index futures this article Chinese risk management research and analysis generated by the stock index futures both the external and internal reasons, and how to guard against the risk of stock index futures in China, and put forward concrete measures.

Key words:Stock Index Futures; Risk; Risk Control

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:股价指数期货,是指以股价指数为标的物的标准化期货合约,双方约定在未来的某个特定日期,可以按照事先确定的股价指数的大小,进行标的指数的买卖。作为期货交易的一种类型,......
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