
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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关键词:公共服务;财政体制; 财政支出


ABSTRACT:In recent years, with the deepening of economic reform, China's fiscal expenditure positive changes have taken place, began to macro-control of public services and the main contents of the new paradigm shift. But the problems can not be ignored, even though the people's livelihood and rapid spending growth, but the livelihood of the people spending the proportion of the total expenditure is still low, excessive administrative expenditures to some extent diverted the people's livelihood should be spending a big gap between urban and rural people's livelihood at the same time spending. Our government's public service expenditure and its Amelioration analysis, financial work has become an important issue. In the administrative management system and the process of transforming government functions, government's social management and public services and the level was significantly increased. However, due to various reasons, the total lack of public service products, basic public services between urban and rural areas is too large and not in place the government's public service functions and other issues are still outstanding. Sense of public service with the Government, changes in government functions is closely related to other factors. Improve the capacity of government public services, need to speed up the construction of public service mechanism, and promote the equalization of basic public services, public finance construction of basic public services for blood transfusion.

Key words:Public Service; Financial System; Public Expenditure

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:改革开放以来,在行政管理体制改革和政府职能转变的过程中,我国政府的管理水平和公共服务的质量有了明显改善。但是,由于各种原因,政府公共服务职能不到位的问题仍然比较突......
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