
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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[关键词]: 网上拍卖;瓶颈问题;现状;发展趋势


ABSTRACT:Online auction which is a new auction has injected the industry a breath of fresh blood. It has a short history, but its fast development surprised everybody. Under the premise of today's global world, online auction has gained a more suitable way to adapt today’s development. The development trend and energy of online caution are inestimable. However, when the online auction is developing in a fast speed, it also meets many limitations and bottleneck problem which block its further development such as the construction of online credit mechanism, improvement of law, promotion of people cultivation. It is urgent for the world to solve these problems. 

   How can online auction which has occupied a huge market in the industry serve our society better are our responsibility which is shared by people who are involved in business. Through a concrete analysis of present situation of online auction, this article specifically addressed online auction’s history of development, present situation and development trend. Besides, it also gives suggestion of solving some problems. 

[Key Words]: Online auction; Bottleneck problem; Present situation; Development trend

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:拍卖是一种商业行为,其受公众的喜爱愈烈则经营的收益愈丰,丰厚的利润使各种拍卖行如雨后春笋般出现,一些老字号的拍卖行盘根错节,希图巩固并发展自己的阵地,一些新成立的......
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