
资料分类:科技学院 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-19
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转换比率:金额 X 10=金币数量, 例100元=1000金币 论文字数:9129
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关键词:商业银行; 跨国经营; 区位选择


ABSTRACT:After decades of rapid development of our country’s economic strength greatly enhanced the development of foreign trade and foreign investment requires commercial banks to increase the implementation of cross-border operations, provide better financial services. And the host country’s economy, business, economic system, such as the impact of china’s commercial banks are multinational business location selection of the most important factor. Over the years, china’s commercial banks on business strategy at cross-border importance only to the “great power” to enter, to the neglect of the “neighbors” of the expansion. In this paper, China’s commercial banks operating cross-border  analysis of the situation, and developed commercial banking situation ,and developed commercial banking experience in multinational operations reviewed ,in order to make China’s commercial banks to obtain better cross-border development strategie should be adjusted, homeopathy and to give priority to neighboring development.

Key words: Commercial banks; multinational operation; area selection

上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:究其原因,除了我国的商业银行不成熟、监管不完善、不良资产高等原因外,发达国家对我国商业银行的偏见也是重要的影响因素。本文主要讨论的是,即使能够在纽约或伦敦这样的金......
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