
资料分类:课件试题 上传会员:雨橙 更新时间:2014-01-06
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   设计完成后,选用具有较强图型显示功能和人机交互工作方式的Authorware为主要编写程序软件,辅用Photoshop、Flash、 Audition等为媒体处理及制作软件对课件进行开发



ABSTRACT:Organic chemistry is also known as the chemistry of carbon compounds, is the study of the organic compound structure, properties, preparation of a discipline; at the same time, organic chemistry is an abstract subject, is the high school student must learn a main course.

   With the application of multimedia technology in the rapid rise and development, its application has been throughout the national economy and social life, is the human mode of production, working way and way of life brought about tremendous changes. Similarly, the multimedia technology to the teaching also produced positive effect, can provide students with the most ideal teaching environment, the continuous development of education, the implementation of the new curriculum reform, the modern education technology in teaching is becoming more and more popular and widely, making and application of courseware is the integration of information technology in organic chemistry teaching important means of. In order to improve the teaching quality, optimize the teaching effect, this study uses information technology to high school teaching of organic chemistry for the abstract image, static to dynamic, help the students to understand, to cultivate students' interest in learning, stimulate students' learning initiative, to develop the students thinking ability, to promote high school organic chemistry to improve the quality of teaching.

   The design process is as follows: project analysis, teaching design, overall design and unit design, script design, program code evaluation and modification, distribution and use, the main function modules is divided into ten modules: learning objectives, structure, properties, preparation method, application, practice, methane, ethylene, acetylene, benzene.

   After the completion of the design, selection of strong pattern display and man-machine interaction mode Authorware as the main programming software, and using Photoshop, Flash, Audition for media processing and production of courseware development software

Key words: high school, organic chemistry, courseware, design and make


上传会员 雨橙 对本文的描述:本研究设计流程如下:项目分析→教学设计→整体设计→单元设计→脚本设计→程序编码→评价与修改→发行与使用,模块功能主要划分为十大模块:学习目标、结构、性质、制法、用......
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