
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:乖乖90后 更新时间:2014-06-27
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摘  要:光子晶体是一种周期性电介质材料,具有光子带隙和光子局域等一系列优异的光学特性,是信息功能材料研究的前沿领域,具有广阔的应用前景。





Abstract:Photonic crystal is one kind of periodic dielectric materials, with a series  of excellent optical properties such as photonic band gap and photonic localization, they have become the frontier of functional materials with wide application prospect.

   In this paper, I diluted monodisperse polystyrene microspheres agent, and then ultrasonically dispersed. The polystyrene microspheres were self-assembled into photonic crystals used the gravity deposition and the vertical deposition method. 

   Use the uniform diameter of polystyrene microspheres self-assembled into photonic crystal films through the vertical deposition method, and their microscopic structure and optical properties are characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and UV spectrophotometer. The results show that the microspheres are orderly arranged, and there are obvious point and line defects on its surface. Self-assembly photonic crystal films have significant features of photonic band gap, the gap’s position is relevant to microspheres in diamete.

Key words: polystyrene microspheres; photonic crystals; self-assembly; photonic band gap; vertical deposition method.

上传会员 乖乖90后 对本文的描述:为了突破半导体发展所遭遇的瓶颈问题,科学家们把目光从电子转向了光子,提出了用光子代替电子作为信息载体的设想。与电子相比,光子具有如下优势:①光子具有频率和偏振等多......
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