
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词 红薯渣;总膳食纤维;超声;酸性蛋白酶;糖化酶;功能性


Abstract:The experiment exploits ultrasonic water extraction and ultrasonic on the extraction to extract the total dietary fiber of sweet potato residue and to discuss the functional combination of enzymatic method, the experimental results show that: the optimum extraction conditions for ultrasonic water ratio of solid to liquid 1:35, ultrasonic time 15min, ultrasonic power 250W, total dietary fiber of sweet potato residue extraction rate of 68.19%; ultrasonic extraction optimum conditions for glucoamylase enzyme dosage of 1.2% combined with enzymes, acid protease enzyme concentration is 1%, ratio of solid to liquid 1:30, time 5min, power 200W, total dietary fiber extraction rate was 78.46%, the ultrasound combined with enzyme method than the ultrasonic extraction of total dietary fiber of sweet potato residue increased by 15.06% total dietary fiber from sweet potato residue, the water holding capacity of 890%, expansion force is 15.99mL/g.

Keywords Sweet Potato Dregs  Dietary Fiber  Ultrasonic  Acid Protease  Saccharifying    Enzyme  Functional

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:目前,红薯渣的用途仅限于生产饲料和制造沼气,而其中绝大部分被作为废料丢弃[8]随着人们生活水平的提高,食物越来越精细,其营养也越来越丰富。然而,心脑血管疾病、肥胖症等的......
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