
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词 虫草;发酵液;复合饮料


Abstract:As people's living quality, people pay more attention to health care. Cordyceps sinensis, tomato, carrot has very high nutritional value, and make it into a compound beverage more easily accepted by the public, through single factor test, orthogonal test, the optimum ratio of Cordyceps sinensis fermentation liquid, tomato juice, fresh carrot juice was 1:5:4, through orthogonal experiment, the best blending ratio of 100% juice, 9% sucrose, citric acid 0.09%. In the orthogonal experiment stability determines the optimum composition of composite stabilizer for xanthan gum 0.07%, 0.45% pectin, sodium alginate 0.35%. Homogenization condition two homogeneous, homogeneous pressure 30Mpa, homogenization temperature of 60 ℃. According to the compound beverage experimental determination of optimum process conditions obtained with bright color, delicate taste, sweet and sour taste, rich nutrition and other characteristics, and has certain health care function.

Keywords Cordyceps sinensis  Fermentation broth  Compound beverage

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:番茄富含有能转化为维生素A的维生素A原,可以促进骨骼的生长,防治佝偻病、眼干眼涩、夜盲症及一些皮肤病。研究表明,人体提高肌体抗癌能力的决定性因素是维生素C的获得量。番......
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