
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词 皮蛋瘦肉粥;酶解;鸡骨架


Abstract:The purpose of this project is to developed the production process convenient preserved egg lean meat gruel, to analyze the nutritional content of. First, to optimize the hydrolysis conditions, the determination of the degree of hydrolysis and soluble protein content, enzymatic hydrolysis for the best technology. On this basis the recipe developed production preserved egg lean meat gruel, for convenience of preserved egg lean meat gruel development and production to provide a scientific basis.

   To explore the effect of hydrolysis of chicken soup enzyme amount, time, enzyme species, substrate concentration, temperature and pH. Considering the degree of hydrolysis and the sensory index, orthogonal experiment design was used to optimize the enzymatic hydrolysis conditions, bone soup enzyme optimization solution of the optimum conditions were: the alkaline protease 5%, substrate concentration 25%, temperature 40℃, without adjusting the pH value in the enzymatic hydrolysis process, the time is 2h. Preparation of chicken soup enzymatic hydrolysis of soluble protein content of product can reach 20.4% under this condition.

   Enzymatic dissolution of chicken mud nutrients play a role in promoting. This experiment the hydrolysis of chicken soup, wherein the pH value, the content of soluble protein were measured, and doing sensory evaluation.

   Making recipe, to study Preserved egg lean meat gruel the optimal formula: salt 0.3%, monosodium glutamate 0.1% through the single factor experiment and the response surface optimization, solid-liquid ratio of 1:10. The craftsmanship of preserved egg lean meat gruel: 170min → with four layers of gauze to filter out the chicken bone mud → enzymolysis chicken bone mud → the to optimize enzymatic process → Add the rice to the fire boiled chicken soup → small fire 20 minutes → chicken bone mud soup salt, MSG → packaging and sterilization.

Keywords  Preserved egg lean meat gruel  Enzymatic  Chicken skeleton

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:如果粥开始有点粘锅底了,那么不要用勺子去刮那锅底上的粘层,不然粥里面就会有糊味了。在煮粥的时候,可以在锅底放一个轻的小调羹,把它和粥一起煮,水沸腾的时候会带动小调......
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