
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词 猕猴桃;膨化;营养物质


Abstract:Kiwifruit is high value of nutritional, but it is perishable. This issue starting from cost savings and increased nutrients, use microwave puffing kiwifruit. The best color protection program was researched, the differences of chemical composition as the contents of water, reducing sugar, Vc and the clearance rate of DPPH radical between puffed before and after were determined. The optimal conditions of kiwifruit puffing was obtained. The results show that: the color protection is best when the concentration of zinc acetate is 0.15%, the concentration of different vitamin C sodium is 0.09% and the concentration of calcium chloride is 0.9%. When the thickness of kiwifruit is 4mm, after drying at 70℃ 2.5h , in middle fire microwave 60s, the expansion rate of kiwi fruit is highest. In the process of pop, the contents of water, reducing sugar, Vc and the clearance rate of DPPH radical of kiwi fruit are all showing a downward trend.

Keywords  kiwifruit  puffing  nutrients

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:我国有着比较悠久的利用猕猴桃的历史,甚至二千多年前就记载在《尔雅》中,东晋的著名学者郭璞把它注作“羊桃”,而后《本草纲目》、《本草衍义》中均有记载。猕猴桃经济效益......
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