
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:阳の阳 更新时间:2014-07-30
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关键词: 玉米;蛋糕;工艺;膳食纤维


Abstract:The main task of this research was the best formula and the optimal process of corn cake. In this paper, with egg、low-gluten flour and corn flour as the main raw material, add soft sugar, oil cake, baking powder as auxiliary raw material for the production of corn cake. The optimum process was determined as: weighing raw materials、egg-shelling、low-speed whipping 2min、adding sugar、low-speed whipping 3min、add oil cake、high-speed whipping 7min、low-speed mixing powder (mix well)、pouring mode (eight full)、baking (180°C, about 25min)、cooling to room temperature、packing、end product. The optimum process conditions of corn cake was determined as: baking time 25min. Through the single factor experiment and orthogonal test, the best formula for corn cake was determined: egg100g, corn flour 60g, low-gluten flour 20g, soft white sugar 30g water 30mL, oil cake 3g, baking powder 1g. Mainly cake textural properties (hardness, elasticity, chewiness, adhesiveness, cohesion) were determined by texture evaluation method, and were also evaluated by sensory, then drew the correlation between texture and sensory evaluation. Finally, through enzymatic-Gravimetric method for the determination of dietary fiber on the best corncake, calculated the content of dietary fiber of corn cake was 1.9g/100g.

Keywords: Corn; Cake; Technology; Dietary fiber

上传会员 阳の阳 对本文的描述:玉米膳食纤维主要有纤维素和半纤维素组成,拥有膳食纤维全部的生理功能。在食品工业中玉米膳食纤维的应用也比较广泛。玉米膳食纤维被广泛应用于面包、蛋糕、饼干等焙烤食品中......
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