
资料分类:科学与工程 上传会员:我爱小小 更新时间:2013-05-31
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我们利用这样的小车也可以主观的锻炼脑域的 “集中度”和“冥思度”,为脑机接口产品开发奠定技术基础。



Abstract: This article is about the available human brain directly to the remote-controlled intelligent vehicle system. The system is based on the Mindset EEG headset and turn a person's brain signals into digital signals, by using Delphi7 programming receive headphone signal and extracting one of the "attention " meditation "two EEG indicators, then via Bluetooth passing through the two signal indicators, at last sent to the receiver portion of the smart car. The chip of the the car MC9S12XS128 receives the value of "attention", combined with the value of the optical encoder rate of return and then identify and generate new PWM wave and sent to the DC motor module to control speed; when the car receives the value of "meditation" to a certain threshold, resulting in the steering gear of the PWM wave to control the steering gear module to play the angle values, so as to achieve the effect of the human brain direct control of the car.

   This car we uses can also be a subjective exercise the degree of concentration and meditation degree of the brain domain, and can be the technological foundation for brain-computer interface product development. 

Keywords: Brain electrical application; signal extraction; Bluetooth receiving; Motor speed;Intelligent control; the brain exercise


上传会员 我爱小小 对本文的描述:本文设计了可用人脑直接进行远程操控的智能小车系统。该系统基于Mindset脑电耳机把人的脑电信号转成数字信号,利用Delphi7编程接收耳机信号并提取出其中的“集中度”“冥思度”两个......
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