
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:皇家戏子 更新时间:2014-02-03
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关键词: 模考成绩; 中考成绩;  相关关系; 回归分析; excel


Abstract: to understand the model for the test results and senior high school entrance examination achievement correlation is remarkable, and how to use the model for the test results to predict senior high school entrance examination scores. Methods: the sample obtained 60groups of data regression analysis

 , is mainly the multiple regression analysis, with the widely used Excel software. Results: the model for the test results and the senior high school entrance examination results of linear correlation is extremely significant, and the model for the test results of various achievements in senior high school entrance examination results have great impact on, especially math.

.Key words: Simulated test result; The test results; Correlation; Regression analysis; excel



上传会员 皇家戏子 对本文的描述:本文的研究结论有力地说明了初三生进行模考的必要性,这样有利于学生对自己有个初步的水平定位,调整好自己的心态更好的面对中考,但模考成绩不能完全决定中考成绩的,提醒模......
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