
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-19
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关键字:常微分方程; 实际生活; 应用


Abstract:This paper mainly studies the application of ordinary differential equation in geometry,physics and other aspects ,we put emphasis on its application in mathematical modeling .In order to highlight importance of the ordinary differential equation for solving real life problems.

 With the development of modern science and technology and production practice of social, mathematical model, a subject also came into being, and is becoming increasingly important. In the mathematical model (model), has a very important method for ordinary differential equations to solve various problems in real life. Following application is to proceed from the actual problem of showing the importance of ordinary differential equation in real life. Study how to apply ordinary differential equations to analyze specific issues in our life.

Keywords:  Ordinary differential equation;   Real life;   Application


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:当然在实际生活中应用微分方程解决实际生活问题时 ,常常需要建立微分方程模型。应用微分方程模型解决实际问题的基本步骤:(1)分析问题,建立起实际问题的数学模型—常微分方......
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