
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:乐义 更新时间:2014-03-01
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关键词:保压  密封 取心工具 岩心


ABSTRACT:Drilling core purpose is to provide the raw data of the underground, and the formation lithology and underground water reserves in case data such as the most direct and effective means. The extraction of oil exploration and development is inseparable from the core. Must want to get a complete primary data before development, only through the analysis and study of a lot of core ability for the extraction of oil or gas reasonable development scheme. In the design of the holding pressure coring technology is a cutting-edge in keeping formation pressure coring technique, it adopts the pressure maintaining coring tools and closed liquid, through the high pressure of drilling fluid on bottom of inside and outside the cylinder driven by differential movement to realize the closed inner barrel ball valve, so that it can be the core tube, seal, ensure coring in cores in the process of oil and gas is not lost water, keep the formation fluid and the integrity of the core sample. When the core from the bottom hole is removed after the ground were frozen and stored in dry ice. In freezing conditions, then you can remove the tube and the rock eager into several small pieces to the lab analysis experiment. No matter at what time the holding must remain frozen in ice cores, such ability can obtain core with the original formation pressure, to take all take accurate stratigraphic information is of great significance. Therefore, the improvement of the constantly improve the holding pressure coring tool is very important.

Key words:pressure maintaining ;hermetic sealing ;coring tool ;core;


上传会员 乐义 对本文的描述:本次课题的题目是《保压式钻井取心工具设计》。目的是设计一种结构简单、紧凑、能够更好的实现保压取心的取心工具。通过计算机来模拟下井过程、循环钻井等工艺过程、投球钻进......
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