
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-01
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摘 要:太阳能控制器以AT89S51单片机为监测控制核心,采用温度传感器、水位传感器实现温度和水位两种参数的实时显示,利用水位传感器、报警、给排水电路实现缺水报警、自动上水和管道排空的功能,并实现相应控制。


关键词: 太阳能热水器; 温度传感器; 水位传感器;  单片机


Abstract: The solar water heater controller based on AT89S51 monitoring control of the core, with the temperature sensor, water level sensor temperature and water level of two parameters by using water level sensor, real-time display, alarm, water supply and drainage circuit alarm, automatic water supply and pipeline emptying function, and the realization of the corresponding control.

The water heater characteristics of intelligent control system is not only displayed in the water storage tank water level and temperature, but also when the water level below the lowest water level when the system will alarm and automatic water storage tank of water .when the water level reached the highest level , the system will automatically stop supplying water, cold winter weather can make the pipeline emptying pipe to prevent damage and so on.

Key words:  solar water heater;  temperature sensor;  level sensor;  microcomputer




上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:本设计设计了一个利用AT89S51单片机实现水位和水温的数码显示;缺水报警及自动上水功能的太阳能给排水控制器并实现相应控制。根据课题的意图,构想本系统合理的电路框图和设计程......
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