
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:riku0803 更新时间:2014-04-01
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Abstract:With the development of electronic technology, the development and application of the microcontroller is constantly increasing and in-depth, but also led to growing renewal and development of the traditional control tests. Crossroads traffic lights control by the microcontroller as the core components of implementation, this design uses the MSC-51 series of microcontrollers the Intel8051 and programmable parallel to the traffic light controller, an excuse to chip in I / O 8255A-centric devices to apply the C51 to complete the preparation of the traffic light system software. Of traffic on the traffic light control system works through a combination of hardware and software, and gives a simple traffic light control system hardware, software, circuit design. The system is suitable for a single main road at the crossroads

Keyword:Microcontroller, traffic lights, controllers, design

上传会员 riku0803 对本文的描述:十字路口交通灯通过3种颜色的变换,帮助控制车辆的同行,这是交通灯的基本功能。整个系统包含:南北红灯,南北黄灯,南北绿灯,东西红灯,东西黄灯,东西绿灯,各灯由各芯片控......
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