
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:白色球鞋 更新时间:2014-04-14
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关键词:图像检索 ;最小外接圆;子块图像特征;极坐标下分块


ABSTRACT:Now most of the local features based on the angle point and scale space are carved out of the local area which can extract the local affine invariant information. Such as SIFT, and then proceed to match, but this algorithm is very large, the length of the stored feature vectors is very long, usually in the thousands, this method is not economical. In this paper, we studies mainly about the content retrieval target image, especially the block retrieval method. The image retrieval method based on image features of the block is that the target image is divided into multiple blocks. Each sub-block image features reflect the local features of the image. And the combination of multiple sub-block image features can describe the shape of the region as a whole. Due to the lack of block of the quad tree, the block method in polar coordinates is relatively accurate. First of all the target image is normalized, then see the smallest circum-circle of the target image as a target area, and divide image block into blocks in polar coordinates. For sub-image after block, through the experiment we can fully compare the accuracy of these different local characteristics of the sub-block image function.

Keywords: image retrieval; smallest circum-circle; block of image features; polar coordinates block

上传会员 白色球鞋 对本文的描述:图像数据库中每幅图像的特征值被计算出来并存放在特征数据库中;图像搜索阶段先提取待搜索图像的特征值,并和特征数据库中的信息进行比较,以获得最佳匹配结果。其工作流程图......
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