
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:lxswj2006 更新时间:2014-06-02
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关键词:图形; 经济学; 运用


Abstract:Mathematical graphics and economics union is an important progress. Mathematics graphics is economists toolbox an important tool. Massively will graphics for economics, makes complex protest problem in economics accurate and simple and clear, such as the use of mathematical graphic measuring the demand price elasticity, etc. The use of mathematical patterns of complex economic problems that analytical more clearly. 

 In this paper, the application of mathematical patterns in the economy of the contents of each section of the first professional term economic concept explanations, again with typical examples of the form of the sample, demonstrative answer and analysis, examples of the derivative, integral I apply to the mathematical methods problem solving, such as by use of excel painting form, reoccupy form according to the data in the drawing, mathematical patterns analysis economic problems.

Keywords: Graphics; Economics; Use

上传会员 lxswj2006 对本文的描述:在数学研究中,我们大量地运用图形解题,而将其运用于经济学,便可使复杂的经济学问题精确而简单明了,一目了然。在此以需求的价格弹性的图形测定为例说明:......
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