
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-05
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摘  要:中学物理新课程的核心理念之一就是转变学生的学习方式,倡导自主学习和探究学习。而调动学生提问的积极性,提高学生的提问能力,可以让学生变被动接受知识的传授为主动探究、研究的物理教学过程,从而真正成为学习的主人,物理教学的三维教学目标也就能较好地达到。




ABSTRACT:One of core concepts in new curriculum of junior physics teaching is change of students’ learning method and  promotion of autonomic learning, investigative learning. To improve the enthusiasm of asking questions and the ability of students to raise questions, allowing students to shift teaching course from passive receive knowledge to take the initiative in exploring and researching on physics. So that they will become masters of learning and three-dimensional physics teaching goals can be better achieved.

    First of all, this article explore the importance in cultivating the ability of students to raise questions in physics teaching. Then, we research on present state of questioning abilities in local middle schools and discuss the factors affecting the ability of asking questions. Third, conduct the research on the strategies cultivating students' abilities of asking questions. And point out: we are suppose to let students to inquire boldly and desire to ask questions based on the children's psychology. Moreover, teachers should cultivate students’ questioning ability through the creation of appropriate problem situation. According to methods above, expressing some views and also lay a foundation for their own future studies and works.

Keywords: Junior physics teaching; The abilities of asking questions ; Strategies of research cultivate and teaching

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:我在本论文中,通过对本地中学生的一些调查及对资料的查询和学习,对如何培养学生的提问能力发表一些本人的看法,希望借此能对教学有更深的认识,并对以后教学能有所帮助......
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