
资料分类:理工论文 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-07
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关键词: MATLAB;GUI;最小二乘法;数据


ABSTRACT:Basic Physics Experiment Physics as our school required a course, the practical self-evident. Electromagnetic experiment which is a difficult course, and the experiments have a certain abstract, experimental and field deeper abstract mathematical theory makes students in the learning of fear often difficult to generate interest in learning. My school at this stage the experimental data and image processing and painted by hand only. This is a waste of the student's time, and deal with the results obtained errors. In this paper, MATLAB software tool for electromagnetics voltammetry measurement system of flow resistance and the voltage divider circuit and the experimental data processing, through the creation of GUI (graphical user interface), the use of M file callback function to achieve a graphical interface, and The final experimental results (numerical and graphical) display to achieve the integration of experimental data and image processing, display the MATLAB calculation in the electromagnetic and the advantages of visualization, the better to improve the traditional manual processing of experimental data and drawing approach.

Keywords: MATLAB; GUI; Least-square method ; Data

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:MATLAB 是一个功能强大的数学软件, 它不但可以解决数学中的数值计算问题, 还可以解决符号演算问题, 并且能够方便地绘出各种函数图形, 若在学习或科研中遇到棘手的数学问题, 利用MA......
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